In addition to theresearch that hadto be gatheredcontribting to my magazine, myself and a partener took part in a simlation task wherewe had to produce a fron cover of a magazinefor our tager audience being 'Rude Boy'. This was for males aged 16-19 who are interested in genres such as hip-hop, R n B, rap, drumand base etc.
Our first decision for the magazine was the masthead. We chose the name blurt as it can be interpretated as a form of 'throwing up' the latest gossip, fashion and music. It can also be seen as away that the information in the magazine is so intersting/intreging, that it can no longer be contained in a persons mouth and has to be shared hence havingthe symbol of an open mouth. In addition to the symbol, we then decided that each issue would ha ve a different coloured mouth (using hue/saturation) and the first two letters ofthe title would be different colours too. This could then make it more of a collectors item having 'all the colours' of the magazine.
Our second decision was who we wouldhave fetured in the magazine. This came down to the rap group 'Young Money' and 'Niki Minaj' (who is also in the group). At the current time this task took place, thesevarious artist appeared to be the centre of attention within the media having just released new singles.
Here are a few images of magazines that the artist have also been featered in:

By having such well known artist on the front cover of our magazine, it would be an easier way of attracting our target audience and them being able to read the magazine.
The paricular picture of Young Money chosen, with one ofthe members using his hands to cover his mouth has a link to the 'mouth' symbol used. This could be because the hands covering the mouth represent gossip wanting to be shared but can no longer be contained or that he has almost given out too much information (leaked a secret) which adds mystery to the magazine making itmore appealing to the reader. As well as it being a interview with the group, we decided to use broken glass on top of the image creating an idea that the information that had been given in the interview is so much and so brilliant that not even glass can withstand it.
Having a large picutre of the artist Nicki Minaj may be the main focus to the magazine and cause my target market to be attracted to the magazine. The picture of her used is very seductive as she has slightly squinted eyes and her lips parted. This could also show a sence of pleasure by her facial expression and confident in her body language with her hands on the pockets of her jeans pulling them down a little to tease the viewer. The font used being a bold pink and large font may represent the artist personality and pehaps give a taster of the style of answers she may be giving in the magazine. We then chose to use the 'Barbie' heart in as the dot above the 'i' in her name as she is well known for the barbie image she portays in her style of music and her image. (She usually wears a large Barbie necklace but seeing that in this picture it is not present, the symbol we chose is a reminder to the audience and her potential fans).
The term 'iRap' was used because it may appear that the most 'must have' gadget is the iPod, so this can be used as a Pun.
A musical picture along with the musical notes in the background is a way of portaying to the reader that the music aspects of the magazine are the most important/ focused on. Above these images is a type of dripping blue paint, this was chosen as a symbol of 'spilling' also a form of gossip being spilt into the magazine.
Futhermore, my partener and I chose to use spray paint as a the background of the featured articals of the magazines. We feel that using such things would allow the reader to connect with the magazine on a more creative level (seeing as many of my target market may enjoy such things as spay painting/ graffiti in their spare time).
Finally, we decided that this magazine would be monthly, this is because the magazine would have a variety of pages (perhaps 100), which could keep the reader busy yet antisipating the next issue.
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