Friday, 12 March 2010

Music Genre Class Task

Myself and my partener were given a task in wich we had to portray a pose/ stamce that could symbolise our music genre.

The genre we were given was rap, and as some of my accessories i.e. chain, hooded jacket etc were suitable at the time I chose to pose.

The first thing i wanted to do within my pose was to create symbols with my hands. This is done in a variety of rap artists as in most cases they are paying honour/respect to the group that they are involved in. As well as putting the hood of my jacket up over my head to show a mysterious side to the character, I also chose to show off my chains just as some artists like to show off the amount of money they have and what they are able to afford.

When down to the editing of the picture using photoshop, I emphasised my jewellery and and shiny parts to my clothes by addinga lense flare to it. I then cropped myself out of the classroom background to a plain one where I placed a red caprpet with a limoscene at the back again to emphasise the amount of money the character could afford and the fact that they are always invited to red carpet events and are only driven around in the most expensive vehicles.

The smoke coming from the hand of the character could display to the audience that they are simply 'To Hot To Handle'. In addition, the paparazzi on both sides of my character displays the importance of the character and their popularity as everyone wants a picture of the character reguardless of what angle they are taken from.

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