This was the first draft of my interview. Firstly the background selected was more of an 'Enter Galactic' feel, this was to make a link between the title of the magazine being Next Ting again showing that it is something different almost out if this would hence using something to do with 'space'. Then from previous pictures taken of Forever Christ, I was able to use the pen tool on Photoshop CS4 and cut around various pictures and combine it onto one page. The body language of the group is very relaxed and had been purposely directed into the positions that they are in so it is almost as if they are pointing at the interview to make to the reader feel that they are being communicated with (i.e the group are saying to the reader 'yes this is me, this is what i have to say about in the magazine, follow where I am pointing at and read the interview').
I continued to keep the theme of the magazine running through it by keeping the 'Next Ting Gospel' in the corner of the magazine. Then a bright green colour was selected for the word Exclusive, this was to make it stand out as well as having the splat/spray behind it to keep the youthful theme too.
Iconography is included again (white cross) to ensure the readers are connecting emotionally and sharing the same belief of Christianity.
Finally, the questions and answers differ in colour as I believed it was a way for the reader to keep engaged using bright colours resembling a rainbow which is something that is naturally beautiful/ intriguing, so I wanted the interview to have the same effect.
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