Wednesday, 28 April 2010
Contents Page (Final)
The final contents page came out rather successful after the adjustments were made, it began to display all the elements included in a real magazine. The main change that was made was to add little teasers underneath the headings of the contents page, this was to allow readers to understand what the content would be about for example, 'SPOTLIGHT' would be hard for the reader (especially a first time reader) to know what it may be about.
I chose capitals throughout the heading to make it stand out, seem bold loud and eye catching, it could then make the reader feel as though they have very many options to choose from and read that suit them.
Within the teasers are many rhetorical questions, this helps the reader to think, engage and communicate with the editor of the magazine, perhaps make the reader feel that they are being spoken directly to or that the editor has an understanding of them personally.
In the future, the magazine could be improved by choosing a different picture of the group that may not seem as intimidating as the one currently up, this would then allow the reader to have an insight into the group's personality and how the interview may be.
Contents Page (Rough Draft)
The contents page I was able to construct was a combination of all the elements I had learnt as well as the research I had put together to appeal to my target audience.
Again, I used a space/Enter Galactic to carry on the theme of Next Ting (as well as using the logo in the corner of the magazine like many other magazine tend to do), and creativity using splats/sprays. Photoshop CS4 was a key ingredient into making the contents page as I had to thoroughly manipulate the graphics because most of them were originally black.
The large picture of Forever Christ immediately draws the readers attention to it, making them eager to read and look for the page number.
The two free posters at the bottom of the page are included further into the magazine, this was a way of giving the reader something they could could use as memorabilia/collectors item and also because I did not include and free 'giveaways' or competition entries. The caption underneath the thumbnails of the posters can help give the reader a glimpse of the editors tone as I decided to go for a cheeky approach to the reader which could build a personal connection with the reader.
Finally, the Bible scripture at the top of the contents page was placed there as a form of iconography to bring the Christianity into it, and also as a from of encouragement to those who read it. (Each issue will have a different Bible verse).
Analysing Conventions (Contents Pages)
These are the contents pages from various magazine that we were able to analyse whilst taking note as to what should be included when constructing our contents page. It was very helpful as I didn't not know that there where so many points to consider and by doing this excises, I was learning as well as understanding how to layout a contents page, what to include and how I would be able to use it to my advantage and reach my target audience.
Interview Page (Final)
Interview Page (Rough Draft)
This was the first draft of my interview. Firstly the background selected was more of an 'Enter Galactic' feel, this was to make a link between the title of the magazine being Next Ting again showing that it is something different almost out if this would hence using something to do with 'space'. Then from previous pictures taken of Forever Christ, I was able to use the pen tool on Photoshop CS4 and cut around various pictures and combine it onto one page. The body language of the group is very relaxed and had been purposely directed into the positions that they are in so it is almost as if they are pointing at the interview to make to the reader feel that they are being communicated with (i.e the group are saying to the reader 'yes this is me, this is what i have to say about in the magazine, follow where I am pointing at and read the interview').
I continued to keep the theme of the magazine running through it by keeping the 'Next Ting Gospel' in the corner of the magazine. Then a bright green colour was selected for the word Exclusive, this was to make it stand out as well as having the splat/spray behind it to keep the youthful theme too.
Iconography is included again (white cross) to ensure the readers are connecting emotionally and sharing the same belief of Christianity.
Finally, the questions and answers differ in colour as I believed it was a way for the reader to keep engaged using bright colours resembling a rainbow which is something that is naturally beautiful/ intriguing, so I wanted the interview to have the same effect.
Planning My Interview
The questions I asked them were the following:
Front Cover (Finished)
This was the front cover I constructed after making amendments. The previous front cover proved difficult to read as the colour of the fonts clashed with the lighting of the background of the photograph. In order to prevent this from happening in the future, I used the shadow tool with Photoshop CS4 behind the text also to create a 3D effect making the text stand out so it is more visible to the eye of the reader.
The language chosen for the magazine was specifically aimed at my target audience enabling them to understand the contents within the magazine. It is of an informal nature which makes the reader feel they are able to relate to the magazine on a more personal level. For example : '??WHATZ POPPIN' Is common phrase used within the younger generations vocabulary as a way of greeting each other. By having this it is almost as if the editor of the magazine is greeting the reader making them feel welcomed to read it as well as allowing the reader to have a feel of the editors tone and what the content may include.
I then shortened the teasers given under the headings, this was due to the fact that i had given away too much information and not allowed the reader to feel more eager to know what is inside the magazine. When the change had been made I feel it was successful as the teasers are short and sharp which can relate to regular readers or first time readers.
Finally, a price tag (which is priced at £2.75 as it is a monthly magazine making it affordable for my target audience) and date was placed on the magazine to make it look more like a professional magazine. The date could as well be an indication of then the reader purchased the magazine as it could later on become a collectors item and would be able to keep track of all magazine collected.
Thursday, 15 April 2010
Final Front Cover (Rough Draft)
Sunday, 11 April 2010
Potential Front Covers
This was the first cover I wanted to used for my magazine.
It is incomplete as I realised during the making of this that it fails to attract my target audience, does not look like a conventional magazine and is not eye-catching.
However I wanted to continue to use the record element as it represents music and is an obvious symbol. I then wanted to have other aspects of my magazine i.e. the Bible, clothes, shoes and accessories bursting out of record (just as the graphic design) to show to the reader that as well as music being the most focused upon, there will be other sources of entertainment in the magazine to keep the reader occupied.
One of the main aspects of the magazine was the interview with Forever Christ, so then I decided to crop out one of the images I took of a member of the group and use it on the front cover which allows the reader to have an insight to what the members look like if that have not already seen them before. I also chose to use this particular picture because his body language is very comfortable/ approachable and he happens to be pointing in the same direction as the masthead. By having that it could almost create the illusion that he is a aware of the fact that he is on the front cover of the magazine and appreciates it. (It is very common for a person to point at something/someone whilst taking a picture as is shows respect and appreciation).
Lastly, I managed to continue to use the splat/spray feature on the front of the magazine underneath the record which is a theme that I think worked successfully.
Here is another attempt of a front cover.
I very much liked the record idea so I chose to use it again this time without having any decoration in the background, this was so that it would not clash with the picture of all the members of Forever Christ.
I didn’t think this would be a successful magazine front cover due to the fact that having three males along with blue font makes the magazine seem very masculine. By having this it limits my target market as well as making it ender bias. So I chose not to use this either but develop the idea of splats/sprays.
Trying Out A Masthead
After being inspired by such magazines as RWD as well as using elements from other Gospel magazines, this was a masthead I managed to create as a sample.
I very much liked the 3D effect and wanted it to be carried throughout the magazine but realised that the colours used were not appealing (even though blue and pink represent male and female), I did not like the shades either. The colours are too pale and would make it very difficult to find graphics/pictures etc that would compliment this.